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Peyronie’s Disease (PD) is a common but rarely discussed condition affecting between 5-12% of men. It presents as a bend in the penis on erection, which may initially be painful and prevent the man from having intercourse. It can occur at any time in life and the cause is not fully understood. There may be a palpable plaque, and the condition can take 6-12 months to stabilise after which the curve will stabilise but, in some cases, erectile dysfunction may progress. The exact reasons why PD occurs in certain individuals is unclear. The underlying cause is often a genetic susceptibility combined with some sort of trauma to the penis. Often the trauma is mild and not obvious to the man. It can be related to multiple “micro-traumas” which cause impaired wound healing in the tunica and scar formation.

A good history combined with a thorough physical examination of the penis is sufficient to diagnose Peyronie’s disease. A photograph can also help illustrate the extent of the problem.

Please bring photographs on your smartphone of the penis in the erect state from multiple different angles to your consultation, as the extent of curvature will dictate which treatments are best suited to each individual. In Mr Gordon’s NHS practice, he is referred PD patients from Yorkshire and beyond due to his wealth of experience in managing this patient cohort.

We offer:

  • Initial consultation investigation and formation of a personalised management plan
  • Conservative options (pumps and traction therapy, oral medications)
  • Surgical correction (Nesbits plication or grafting -Lue procedure)
  • Penile implantation for combined PD and erectile dysfunction.